私はアマチュアでいよう。アーティストになる必要はない。そう思えるようになりました。 いま、私は制限の中でも自由を感じています。理解ある妻にも恵まれ、新型コロナのおかげで国外撮影もままならない状況でも、自分のために写真を撮ることが許されています。25年、感じることのできなかった自由です。
I’m an amateur photographer. I have a different job on weekdays. I can take pictures only on weekends.
I’m not satisfied with that. I can’t spend two thirds of my week on work and all my weekends on photography. But I don’t want to be a professional.
I started taking pictures when I was 22 years old in the United States. This overlaps with the onset of illness. I needed pictures to live with illness.
For more than 25 years since then, there have been both photography and disease. In fact, there was a time when I was driven to take pictures and hold personal exhibitions because I was sick first.
Even if it is not perfect from that disease, the meaning of the picture has changed greatly now that it has been released to the extent that it could not have been for the past 25 years.
I’m an amateur. I don’t have to be an artist. That’s what I think. Now I feel free, even within limits. I have a wife who understands me, and I’m allowed to take pictures for myself even when I can’t take pictures abroad because of the coronavirus. It’s been 25 years since I couldn’t feel free.
I want to take this pleasure as a photo. I want people who see my photos to feel it. That is my greatest wish.
Isao Naruse