美しい、と思う心は人それぞれですが、ここを写真にしたらどれだけ美しいだろう、という感動がなければ、シャッターを切らなくなりました。こんなこと、今まではあり得ないことでした。 精神が健全になりつつある今、当然といえば当然かもしれませんが、美意識も、アートへの姿勢も変わりました。それが、アーティストとしては、必ずしもよかったとは言えないかもしれませんが、それが今の私です。
In the decades since I started taking pictures, I have disliked taking pictures of beautiful things because of the idea that “beautiful things are beautiful in themselves.” My main philosophy was to find and record beauty in the seemingly random landscape of the city.
In the past year, however, I have been experiencing intense changes in my mind and have been healed by the beautiful scenery that shakes my mind, and I have mostly used it as a subject, in keeping with the changes in my mental state since I was sick.
Everyone thinks it’s beautiful, but if I didn’t have the impression of how beautiful it would be if I took a picture of it, I wouldn’t have taken the shutter. This was something that had never happened before. Now that I’m getting mentally healthy, my aesthetic sense and my attitude toward art have changed. As an artist, it may not always be good, but that’s what I am now.
Isao Naruse