そろそろアウトプットの時期なのかもしれません。この1年弱、ひたすらHasselblad に PhaseOne の組み合わせで撮影してきました。中判デジタルの醍醐味が、ようやくわかってきました。カットは69カットになりました。途中、センサーにゴミがついていたことがわかり、クリーニングをしましたので、それ以前のカットはボツ、かもしれませんが、それでも25カット成功しています。まだまだ撮りたいところですが、そろそろ行き詰まってきました。
It’s February. Things haven’t been going smoothly since this year had come.
I have hardly been able to take pictures, and my life is unstable because my physical condition gets better or worse. It may be better to get rid of my bad soon.
After I left Christianity and switched to Shinto, I began to respect the concept of “unluckiness.” I learned about “luck” and “orient” from Shinto, and I became more interested in Japanese history.
It may be about time for output. For the past year or so, I’ve been shooting with Hasselblad and PhaseOne. I’ve finally come to understand what the best part of medium format digital is. I’ve taken 69 successful photos. On the way, I found out that there was some dust on the sensor and cleaned it up, so the previous cut might be out of order, but I’ve still succeeded in 25 images. I still want to take pictures, but I’m at a kind of dead end, I feel.
I came to think that I would like to exhibit them. Although there are economic constraints, I have a growing feeling that I want to shape it or make a presentation somehow.
During this year, I hope it’s possible to hold a private exhibition. I would like to pray at the Yoyogi Hachimangu Shrine as well as warding off evil spirits.
Isao Naruse